International Myopia Conference 2022 Rotterdam | Sep 4th – 6th

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For the first time, we are exhibiting at the International Myopia Conference (IMC) in Rotterdam to showcase our Photorefractor and Keratometer. These two products are ideal for measuring eye growth and refraction in small alert laboratory animals. The Photorefractor automatically and conveniently measures the eye’s refracative state while the Keratometer measures the radius of corneal curvature.

Stop by our booth for interesting discussions, to gain more information about our products, or simply for a friendly chat. 

Both of the exhibited devices were originally developed by Prof. Frank Schaeffel at the University of Tübingen, who was our guest speaker at our Journal Club “IR Photorefraction and IR Photokeratometry – Measuring Refractive State and Corneal Curvature in Animals and Humans“. You are welcome to watch this recording during your preparation for the conference or your journey to Rotterdam.

Find more information about the International Myopia Conference 2022 here.