World sight day & blindness awareness month


Next week, on October 14th, it is world sight day, themed “#LoveYourEyes”, and the whole of October is blindness awareness month. Both events are meant to guide global attention to vision impairment and blindness, strengthen vision research, and improve access to eyecare worldwide. Around world sight day, the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness (IAPB) is leading the effort to get over 1 million eyes tested, not only promoting access to eyecare services worldwide, but also demonstrating the importance to take care of your own eyes. IAPB has defined the 4P´s on how to love your eyes: Prevent, Protect, Preserve, and Prioritize.

These efforts are also supported by the World Health Organization (WHO). Globally, more than 1 billion people suffer from near or distance vision impairment, even though this could be prevented or treated. At the 74th World Health Assembly (June 2021) the Member States adopted two new global targets for eye care by 2030, namely to increase the effective coverage for the two leading causes of vision impairment, refractive errors and cataracts, by 40% and 30%, respectively.

At Striatech, we support the fight on vision impairments with our industry-leading products for preclinical vision research. In small laboratory animals, disease progression or treatment success can be measured behaviorally, with non-invasive vision testing based on reflexive behavior (OptoDrum) or operant conditioning (AcuiSee). Our products for Myopia research (Photorefractor, Keratometer) are the de-facto standard in this field.

So, if your read this, #LoveYourEyes and get your eyes’ health checked. Then, contact us to learn how our products may help you in your research.