
Conditional Deletions of Hdc Confirm Roles of Histamine in Anaphylaxis and Circadian Activity but Not in Auto-immune Encephalomyelitis

The Journal of Immunology (Apr 12, 2021)

Conditional Deletions of Hdc Confirm Roles of Histamine in Anaphylaxis and Circadian Activity but Not in Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis

Morin F, Singh N, Mdzomba JB, Dumas A, Pernet V, Vallières L
Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) is the most widely used animal model for multiple sclerosis (MS), an autoimmune disease where the immune system attacks myelin, which coats neurons in the CNS. Histamine has been thought to play a role in MS, effecting disease progression either positively or negatively, depending on the location of histamine action. In this study, Morin et al created a conditional mouse KO model of Hdc, the enzyme that synthesizes histamine, and induced EAE in these mice. Surprisingly, while some phenotypes in these mice were consistent with the lack of histamine, it had no impact on the development and severity of EAE. One behavioral readout of the disease progression in EAE is the decline of visual acuity, which can be measured with our OptoDrum. Consistent with the other observation, visual acuity declined in EAE Hdc-KO animals in the same way as in EAE Hdc-WT animals.

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