
Cytotoxic CNS-associated T cells drive axon degeneration by targeting perturbed oligodendrocytes in PLP1 mutant mice

iScience (Apr 19, 2023)

Cytotoxic CNS-associated T cells drive axon degeneration by targeting perturbed oligodendrocytes in PLP1 mutant mice

Abdelwahab T, Stadler D, Knöpper K, Arampatzi P, Saliba AE, Kastenmüller W, Martini R, Groh J
This study explores the role of CD8+ T cells in conditions where the myelin sheath is damaged. These T cells specifically target and attack mutated cells responsible for producing myelin, leading to nerve damage and degeneration. They found that early treatment with a specific medication can reduce the recruitment of harmful T cells and prevent further damage. However, targeting these T cells later on is less effective. Understanding these interactions may help develop new treatments for conditions involving myelin defects and inflammation.

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