
Neurovascular injury associated non-apoptotic endothelial caspase-9 and astroglial caspase-9 mediate inflammation and contrast sensitivity decline

Cell Death & Disease (Nov 08, 2022)

Neurovascular injury associated non-apoptotic endothelial caspase-9 and astroglial caspase-9 mediate inflammation and contrast sensitivity decline

Colón Ortiz C, Neal AM, Avrutsky MI, Choi M, Smart J, Lawson J, Troy CM
Journal Club
Neurovascular injury, such as retinal vein occlusion, triggers expression of endothelial caspase-9 (EC Casp9). EC Casp9 induces pathological changes, including retinal edema, capillary ischemia, and neurodegeneration. One of the behavioral consequences is decline of contrast sensitivity, as shown with our OptoDrum. This paper gives new mechanistic insights into EC Casp9 action.


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